LCC Business Travel Meeting 

Frankfurt, 29 November 2023

24 participants from 13 agencies across 4 continents and key personnel from LCC Germany and LCC International.

Participating agencies were Congonhas (Brazil), eTravel (Poland), Eurasia (China), Euro Lloyd (USA), Gant Travel Management (USA), Good Travel Management (UK), LCC Reisebüro AG (Germany), NHE (Hong Kong), Omnia Travel (Belgium), Reeman Tours (Morocco), Travac Business Travel (Switzerland) and Voyages Gallia (France).

The objective of the meeting was to provide a platform for the sharing of knowledge, expertise, and potential clients amongst the agencies with the backing and support of the LCC HQ.

The agenda for the day was arranged into 3 distinct blocks.

Block One was dedicated to the introduction of agencies and their corporate capabilities. The core messages coming out of this block was the great depth of expertise and knowledge that each of our agencies possesses. While the size of the agencies ranges from the mid-size to the very large agencies, the common thread through it all is the quality of service we are able to deliver on the ground in the local countries as opposed to a standard call center model.

Block Two involved the sharing of best practices by agencies from Switzerland, Poland and the United Kingdom. All the three agencies showed how they are successfully working with other LCC agencies to collectively share and service joint clients ranging from two to up to 15 countries. The session was opened by colleagues from LCC Germany who explained the collaboration with LCC International to service German corporate clients internationally and the core tech and service requirements from the agencies that want to handle this business.

Block Three was made up of the larger group being divided into 3 smaller groups to address the questions of how we can further develop the bi-lateral & multi-lateral collaborations directly on the tech and client sharing front.

There was also time for moderated discussion on the topic of ‘rent a plate’ a model whereby agencies  provide a technical and financial set-up exclusively for the fulfillment of transactions in a ‘non-touch’ environment at their end.

The day‘s proceedings culminated with a dinner at an exclusive restaurant by the riverside in Frankfurt city. The post-meeting feedback received from the participants indicates that the contents of the meeting and the time for exchange amongst the participants was very appreciated.

The LCC HQ intends to offer this format on a regular basis to the members of the LCC Business Travel concept.

Open Meeting Presentations