Frankfurt - 16th December 2022: As travel recovery continues, the industry is becoming more dynamic and complex than ever. The changes brought about by pandemic have increased the need for travel companies to be more agile and adapt quickly to new situations. To stay relevant and grow, agencies need to think differently, embrace change, and innovate with new solutions and strategies. As such, technology that enables automation has become a necessity in order to remain competitive.

Automation can save time and allow travel agencies to eliminate up to 70% of manual, non-revenue centric tasks. With the right automation tools, the efficiency gains are huge – especially in the servicing area, allowing travel businesses to reduce operating costs and to elevate customer experience above modern-day retail standards.

Lufthansa City Center’s technology partner, Sabre, is investing to enable the creation, sales and servicing of intelligent, traveler-centric, experiences. This includes enhanced automation tools to maximize efficiency in the servicing area, enabling the expansion of self-service and elevation of customer experience above modern-day standards.

From implementing effective dynamic pricing strategies, tracking customers’ actions during the booking process, to setting up quality control for reservations and policy compliance, automation is an effective way to reduce manual workloads, costs and mistakes so travel consultants can focus instead on improving customer satisfaction and boosting revenue.

Sabre’s Automated Refunds and Automated Exchanges solutions help agencies to automate complex servicing areas. The systems manage the calculations related to collections and refunds, thereby helping to remove the need for manual intervention by an agent.

Sabre also offers additional products in the workflow management area. Its Automation Hub solution automates repeatable functions – such as PNR booking, status checks or schedule changes – irrespective of where the booking was originally made. TicketExpress helps agencies save up to five minutes of handling time per transaction by allowing for complete touchless pricing and ticketing processing.

The intelligent use of data and automation through these solutions helps to remove friction in the booking process, which has a positive impact on revenue generation and ultimately on the end travel experience, which is invaluable in the current, fast-changing and ever-competitive marketplace. 

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